Hi peeps,my blog's becoming pretty dead and i'm back with a short pathetic post in an attempt to resuscitate it.(Although i know it might make some people delirious with it dead)
Well being the optimistic person that i'm not,the bright side of not updating can be attributed to me being totally worn out from school work.But truth be told,reality and optimism don't mix,and the part where i'm overloaded with school work is just bullshit.
The real truth is that i'm hooked on prison break,and i'm doing a 2 hour marathon almost everyday trying to finish up the 2nd season.School's pretty much crap,and i'm bogged down by going to volleyball competitions recently.What's so bad about getting to skip a couple of lessons you might ask,and the answer is,its bad cause its a one way ticket to some place right smack in nowhere near NUS.The trip home is torturous,and lets just say CCA life ain't going pretty well for me,compounding to the other factors that make it all crap.
And i hope this short post i wrote out of desperation is enough to make-do for now.Prison break is beckoning..
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